The car we used for the 1940's scene
Lighting department setting up the lights while i prepare my notes
Me and Sam Marsden helping out the sound mixer (radio mikes were in the car and he needed us to read the lines from the script so he could get the levels right)
Ben focus pulling on a static shot
The two actors just before a take rehearsing their lines
Me listening to the actors rehearsing their lines through the radio mike so i can correct them before a take
Me and Howard (art director) discussing the art department for an upcoming shoot.
This was a student short film i script supervised for this week. The
story was about a gangster that lost his family in a car crash, only his
sister survived. He went on doing crime to support her but ended up in
jail, when he came out he wanted to join a gang but had to prove he was
the cold hearted thug he portrayed so they made him take part in a gang
rape of a girl who had a bag over her head. afterwards they removed the
bag to reveal it was his sister. It was a grim storyline but a great
script, on this day we only shot the detective scene where 2 detectives
are discussing the case. The rest will be shot in July where i have been
asked to come back and script supervise for them again.
PART 2- November 2013
This was outside of the Mansion, it was all run down and gross but an excellent filming location. You can see the producer greeting the female actor.
This is the director talking to the assistant director about what shots he wants to get first.
This is the crew setting up lighting and tracks for a shot and the art department dressing the set
The art department setting up props and dressing the set before we started shooting.
This was all the menly men helping to carry a piano up the stairs for a prop.
What the scene looks like on the monitor i have to watch for continuity errors
The director giving the actors some advice and notes on exactly what he wants from the scene.
The producer was a stand in so the camera department could get the right framing and lighting while the actors got ready.
One of the last cut aways of the day, i had to make sure the hat went in the same position every single take.
Actions from the second day on the shoot where the main gangster was coming down the staircase.
This scene was hard to work on because of the nature of the story and because there was so much action it was a lot to look out for but i feel i did a great job.
The actor relaxing and giving lines while the sound guy got his levels right between takes.
Just before a take where the make up artist was adding a few extra touches to the females cuts and bruises.
Me recording the time of a take while i take notes on the action and continuity.
3rd shoot day- pick ups 11/12/13
Setting up for the first shot, a slow track in to show a picture of the 2 main actors as kids
The Judges mallet hitting the desk
Adele, the female character being bagged and kidnapped
DIT working on the shots as soon as they were done and during takes
The three gangsters